Standing Rules
- All Standing Rules shall be reviewed and updated, as needed, by the Executive Board once a year. They shall be presented to the general membership at the May Meeting. In addition, a current copy of the Standing Rules shall be placed into the minute book and posted on the PTO website.
- PTO Standing Committees shall be those deemed necessary by the vote of the Executive Board. The current list of approved Standing Committees shall be placed into the minute book and posted on the PTO website.
- All Executive Board officers and committee chairpersons must be members in good standing, having paid membership dues to the Eisenhower PTO for the current year.
- All Standing Committee Chairpersons shall work through the Executive Board to determine the dates, times, and parameters of their committee events.
- All informational flyers and sign-up sheets to be distributed through the school to the student population shall be submitted to the President and the Principal for approval.
- All copying for which reimbursement will be requested should be done at Office Depot using the PTO copy card. The PTO copy card is available from the school secretary.
- A PTO representative must remain at any PTO sponsored function until completion of the function and all children have left the premises.
- The election and installation of officers shall be held at the annual meeting in May.
- In the event there are multiple candidates for any election, each candidate may submit a brief written statement to the Executive Board at least two (2) weeks prior to the spring election. The President will then read the statement(s) to the membership at the election meeting, prior to closing nominations.
- All members of the Executive Board and the general membership must understand that according to IRS rules, all funds spent by the PTO must fall into at least one of the following categories:
- Educational – Supplementing the educational instruction of students, such as: assemblies, field trips and guest speakers.
- Charitable – Providing children with services or programs that they otherwise may not receive.
- Operational – covering normal expenditures such as postage, printing, and supplies.
- The current and future Executive Board members shall meet in March to prepare a proposed budget, which shall be presented to the general membership in April. A vote for approval will be taken at a general membership meeting in May after it has been presented for review.
- The Executive Board, with a majority vote, may approve unexpected expenditures up to $150.00 per occurrence for items not included in the budget or for line items exceeding the budget. This action does not necessitate a vote among the general membership, but is limited to a total of $600.00 per year.
- Any check written from the budget of the PTO requires two (2) designated signatures. The account shall have three (3) authorized signers: President, First Vice-President and Treasurer.
- Any individual who has given a check to the PTO, which is subsequently returned to the PTO by reason of insufficient funds, shall be responsible for paying the full amount of the funds owed in cash. In addition, that individual will also be required to reimburse the PTO for the amount of the return check fee that is charged to the PTO.
- All receipts are to be counted, reconciled, and turned over to the Treasurer or any other Executive Board member upon completion of an event. Monies shall be immediately deposited or stored in the PTO safe until such deposit can be made.
- The PTO's books shall be closed as of June 30th and an audit of the treasury of the PTO shall be conducted and concluded by July 31st of each year. The outgoing treasurer shall turn over all books and records to the incoming treasurer within ten (10) days after completion of the audit.
- The Treasurer shall acquire general liability, officers' liability, and bonding insurance coverage.
- In lieu of a general meeting in June, the President will organize a breakfast or luncheon to honor the current year Executive Board, all PTO chairpersons for the current school year's committees, their volunteers, and any other individuals as designated by the President and Executive Board.
These Standing Rules shall continue in force until temporarily suspended, amended or rescinded by the Executive Board. They must be reviewed every three years and revised as needed. Revisions may be approved without previous notice by a majority vote at an Executive Board meeting. No standing rule is in order that conflicts with the bylaws of the PTO.
Adopted: May 1, 2015