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Eisenhower Elementary School

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General Information


All officers, committee chairs and co-chairs must be members of the PTO for the school year.


Meetings are usually held the second Friday of the month at 9:30am in Café Ike or virtual.  Please check the PTO Calendar of Events for specific dates and times.

All committee chairs are asked to submit a report on their activities for the meeting immediately following their event. Reports should be submitted either in person or in writing to the President.  Any additional committees that would like to be listed on the agenda should notify the President one week prior to the PTO meeting.  If you are planning to distribute any additional information at a PTO meeting, please provide 10 copies.


Mailboxes for the PTO Executive Board are in the Main Office. 


All flyers distributed should be approved by the PTO President and Principal prior to printing.  Copies will be done through Office Depot and will be purchased through the school’s account. Committee chairs must sign out a school copy card from Mrs. Penkrot before printing.  Printing done through Office Depot does not need a reimbursement form.


ALL EXPENSES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH A REIMBURSEMENT FORM AND RECEIPTS WITHIN TWO WEEKS AFTER THE PROGRAM/EVENT.  Reimbursement forms can be found in the Front Office or downloaded from the school website.  Forms are to be properly labeled and sent to the PTO Treasurer.  If a committee member needs a check prior to a program/event, please provide sufficient lead time as checks require two signatures from the PTO Exec. Board.


Committees receiving money must complete a Deposit Form and obtain two signatures.  Please notify the Treasurer once the Deposit form is completed.


Committee Chairs should submit a committee report within 2 weeks after the Program/Event.