Volunteer Clearance Information
Effective July 1, 2024, the school district only processes clearances for school volunteers and its required employment clearances. USCAA volunteers must work through the athletic association's new process for background clearances.
Thank you for volunteering. We are grateful for each parent and community member who contributes to the success of our students.
The Child Protective Services Law requires background checks for volunteers in schools. The Upper St. Clair School District safety team manages the volunteer clearance process for the district.
PLEASE NOTE: Clearances are processed by outside agencies and it will take time for them to be completed. Prospective volunteers are encouraged to complete the process as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns about volunteer clearances, please call 412-833-1600 x2121 or email Ron Good, safety and security coordinator, at rgood@uscsd.k12.pa.us.
Steps to become a volunteer:
1. Obtain the following required clearances:
- PA Criminal Record Check (Act 34), FREE
Follow the instructions through to the Certification Page. Once the search results table appears, click on the Control Number. Click on the Certification Page to access, save and print your official Clearance.
- PA Child Abuse History (Act 151), FREE
Creating an account and submitting your clearance application online will give you immediate access to your results or the status of your results if your results cannot be processed immediately.
Please note the following from the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Information Solution:
"Volunteer applicants are eligible to receive one Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Certification free of charge every 57 months. To be eligible for free-of-charge certification, an applicant must meet the following criteria:
- The applicant must not have received a background certification free of charge within the previous 57 months;
- The background certification is necessary to satisfy the requirements under Chapter 63, subsection 6344(b); and,
- The certification shall not be valid or used for any other purpose, including employment.
If a volunteer applicant has received a Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Certification free of charge within the previous 57 months, the applicant is required to provide either an $13.00 credit/debit card payment or an authorization code from the organization that is requesting the applicant obtain a Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Certification."
- If applicable, Act 114, $23.25; Individuals who have resided in Pennsylvania for the past 10 consecutive years DO NOT need to obtain this clearance.
Once on the IndentoGO website, select Schedule or Manage Appointment, where you will complete the online form to begin processing your clearance. (Volunteers should use Service Code 1KG6ZJ) During this process, you will have the opportunity to locate and make an appointment at a fingerprinting service center. Be sure to bring all required documentation to your appointment.
Officials at the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) will review the results of the FBI fingerprint record check and will send the applicant a letter that indicates the result of the review and whether or not the applicant is eligible for a position that involves direct contact with children. The report will be on DHS letterhead and will be from the Office of Children, Youth and Families. The applicant will provide a copy of the letter to the District for review.
- PA Criminal Record Check (Act 34), FREE
2. Download and complete the Volunteer Disclosure Statement. This document must be signed, dated and witnessed. It does NOT need to be notarized. As stated on the disclosure statement, you are required to notify the district, in writing within 72 hours if you are arrested for or convicted of an offense that would constitute grounds for denying participation as a volunteer, or you are named as a perpetrator in a child abuse report. Willful failure to do so has criminal implications and may jeopardize your ability to volunteer within the district.
3. After completing Steps 1 and 2, submit requested information via the following online form: Volunteer Clearance Verification Form. Upon completing Step 3, you will receive a confirmation email.
4. Print two (2) copies of each required document: one for your records and one to submit to the Upper St. Clair School District. Following submission, the school district is NOT able to provide copies of clearances.
5. Place district copies in a sealed envelope marked “CONFIDENTIAL VOLUNTEER CLEARANCES”. This packet may be submitted one of two ways:
- Hand deliver to the District Administration Building
(Hours are Mon. - Thurs., 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and Fri., 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
Our District Administration Building is located on the Upper St. Clair High School campus - adjacent to the stadium. If you enter campus via Truxton Drive, the one-way road takes you directly in front of the building. Visitor parking is located across from the entrance. If you enter via Westminster or McLaughlin Run Road, enter the upper parking lot and park in the spaces above the administration building. The building's main entrance is marked by an arched overhang. Clearances must be deposited inside the Clearances Mailbox, located inside the main door, on the wall to the right, across from the elevator.
- Send via U.S. mail to the following address:
- Hand deliver to the District Administration Building
Upper St. Clair School District Administrative Building
Attn: Confidential Volunteer Clearances
1775 McLaughlin Run Road
Upper St. Clair, PA 15241
Please note that clearances may NOT be submitted via email.
6. Clearance documents will be reviewed by the district's Safety & Security Coordinator. Please note that individuals are NOT approved to volunteer until they have been contacted by a district representative.
7. You will be contacted via email once this review process is complete.
Check your clearance expiration date!
If you have previously submitted volunteer clearances to the school district, you may now request an email containing the information we currently have on file.
Important note: If you did not provide an email address when initially submitting your clearances, you will be unable to request your information using our automated system.