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Eisenhower Elementary School

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Extracurricular Activities

Fourth grade students may participate in several extra-curricular offerings. Attendance is voluntary, and students must arrange for their own transportation to morning activities or home following afternoon activities. The schedules for these programs may be obtained through the school office.

Extra-curricular programs include: 

Art Club

Art Club is offered to fourth grade students after school. The students enjoy exploring a variety of media and art materials that are more in-depth explorations of the disciplines and concepts taught in the regular art classroom. All 3 of our Elementary Buildings offer unique Art Clubs where the art teacher and fourth grade students work collectively to design art experiences based on the current interests of the students. Art club students may also have the opportunity to create art for either school or community wide art initiatives.


Fourth grade students are also offered the opportunity to participate in chorus. The chorus meets once each week and presents two performances per school year, under the direction of the Vocal Music Teacher. The winter program is presented in concert form and the spring performance is in the form of a musical with modest sets and costumes.


The intramurals program for students in fourth grade meets weekly in the gym under the direction of the Physical Education Teacher. The intramurals program is designated to develop skills in a variety of sports and games. Proper gym shoes are required for participation.